
Top 5 Hard Supports In DOTA 2

1 years ago By AI Smith

Dota 2’s Ranked system has undergone a recent facelift, reshaping the very fabric of gameplay. This transformation has pushed players to step into the often-overlooked shoes of Position 4 or Position 5, also known as the hard supports. While the classic positions like Safe-lane, Mid-lane, or Off-lane maintain their allure, the spotlight has now shifted to support players who act as the vital organs steering their team towards success.

Supporting in Dota 2: The Unsung Heroes

In the hierarchy of Dota 2 positions, supports usually find themselves in the shadows of glory. Yet, these unsung heroes are the architects of victory, shaping the game’s course with strategic plays and selfless sacrifices. Valve’s insistence on support heroes in the revamped Ranked system underscores the pivotal role these positions play in the overall dynamics of a match.

  1. Crystal Maiden: The Frosty Enchantress

Crystal Maiden, seemingly fragile, emerges as a formidable force in the early to mid-game. Armed with two potent nuke abilities, she dominates the lane efficiently. Her passive, Arcane Aura, globally boosts mana regeneration, a game-changer for spell-heavy mid heroes. With Aghanim’s Scepter and Shards, her ultimate, Freezing Field, transforms into a lethal area damage spell, making her a force to be reckoned with in ganks.

  1. Undying: The Terrifying Crowd Controller

Undying lives up to his name, striking terror with crowd control prowess. Tombstone, his third skill, is celebrated as one of the best crowd control abilities in the game. Dropping a massive tombstone spawns relentless zombies, overwhelming enemies caught within its area. The synergy of his skills, including Soul Rip for strength theft and the ultimate Flesh Golem, transforms Undying into a disruptive force, debuffing enemies and amplifying the damage they receive.

  1. Lich: Frosty Guardian of the Core Heroes

Lich, excelling as a hard support, protects core heroes while dealing burst damage to foes. His Frost Shield slows nearby enemies while dealing damage. Lich’s versatility shines with his first skill, providing burst damage, and Sinister Gaze, a disabling ability. The pinnacle of his arsenal, Chain Frost, stands as one of the most lethal magical abilities, disrupting ganks and forcing enemies to rethink strategies.

  1. Ogre Magi: The Resilient Spellcaster

Ogre Magi, a tanky support, stands out as one of the game’s toughest heroes. His resilience allows him to withstand attacks and contribute to battles. Fireblast deals decent damage and stuns opponents, while Fire Blasts reduce movement and inflict damage over time. Bloodlust significantly buffs teammates, and Ogre Magi’s ultimate allows him to cast his trio of skills multiple times, turning the tide in favor of his allies.

  1. Jakiro: The Twin-Headed Dragon

Jakiro, a twin-headed dragon, brings a unique combination of fire and ice to the battlefield. Effective against multiple enemies, he excels in team fights. Dual Breath debuffs enemies, Ice Path stuns, and Liquid Fire deals damage over time to both enemies and towers. His ultimate, Macropyre, creates a burning pit that, with Aghanim’s Scepter, becomes a deadly force in ganks.

The Evolution of Dota 2’s Ranked System

Dota 2’s recent evolution in its Ranked system has ushered in a new era for support players. Traditionally overshadowed by their core counterparts, supports are now thrust into the limelight as Valve emphasizes the strategic significance of these roles. This shift has led to a reevaluation of the game’s dynamics, emphasizing the pivotal role supports play in shaping the trajectory of a match. With players compelled to take on Position 4 or Position 5, the diversity of hero choices expands, offering a rich tapestry of options for those looking to master the art of support. The revamped Ranked system not only challenges players to broaden their hero pool but also highlights the critical impact that support heroes have on the overall success of a team.

Strategic Insights: Maximizing the Potential of Hard Supports

Understanding the unique strengths and capabilities of each hard support is pivotal for maximizing their potential in the game. Crystal Maiden’s dominance in the early to mid-game and her ability to provide global mana regeneration make her an ideal choice for teams with spell-heavy cores. Undying’s crowd control capabilities and disruptive presence create chaos in team fights, turning the tide in favor of his allies. 

Lich’s dual role as a protector of core heroes and a burst damage dealer makes him a versatile support with a knack for disrupting the enemy’s plans. Ogre Magi’s tankiness and multi-casted spells bring resilience and unpredictability to the battlefield, while Jakiro’s combination of fire and ice adds versatility against multiple enemies. As players delve into the nuances of each hero, they unlock the true potential of hard supports, enabling them to make strategic decisions that can change the course of a match.

In Conclusion: Mastering the Art of Support

In the complex and ever-evolving world of Dota 2, mastering the art of hard support is a transformative experience. Crystal Maiden, Undying, Lich, Ogre Magi, and Jakiro emerge as the top picks for players seeking to leave an indelible mark on the battlefield. Each hero brings a unique set of skills, ranging from crowd control to burst damage, reshaping the meta and ensuring the success of your team. Embrace the support role, and witness these heroes become the architects of victory in your Dota 2 journey.

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