Tokyo Revengers: 5 Con Man Characters In The Show
“Tokyo Revengers,” a captivating Japanese manga series, comes to life through the creative genius of Ken Wakui, who both writes and illustrates this enthralling work of art. The series follows Takemichi Hanagaki, a 26-year-old freelancer who is suddenly transported back in time to his middle school days. Takemichi tries to prevent the death of his ex-girlfriend Hinata Tachibana and her younger brother Naoto Tachibana by joining the Tokyo Manji Gang, a notorious delinquent gang.
In Tokyo Revengers, there are a number of characters who are skilled at conning others. These characters are known for their ability to lie, cheat, and steal their way to success.
The 5 Con Man Characters
1. Kazutora Hanemiya
Kazutora Hanemiya stands as a prominent figure among the founding members of the Tokyo Manji Gang. As an adept combatant and a charismatic leader, he commands both respect and fear within the gang’s ranks. However, Kazutora is also a deeply troubled individual who is prone to violence and impulsive behavior. Kazutora is a master con artist who is able to manipulate others into doing what he wants. He once conned Takemichi into stealing money from his boss, and he has also been known to con other members of the Tokyo Manji Gang.
2. Mikey
As the leader of the Tokyo Manji Gang, Mikey is a mysterious and powerful individual who is feared by many. Mikey is also a master con artist who is able to get people to do what he wants without them even realizing it. He once conned Takemichi into joining the Tokyo Manji Gang, and he has also been known to con other members of the gang into doing his bidding.
3. Draken
Draken is Mikey’s right-hand man and the vice-captain of the Tokyo Manji Gang. He is a hulking figure with a kind heart. Draken is not as skilled at conning others as Kazutora or Mikey, but he is still capable of pulling off a con when he needs to. He once conned Takemichi into fighting Kiyomasa, the leader of the Valhalla Gang.
4. Hanma Shuji
Hanma Shuji is a mysterious character who is affiliated with both the Tokyo Manji Gang and the Brahman Gang. He is a skilled fighter and a master con artist. Hanma is able to lie and manipulate others with ease. He once conned Takemichi into fighting Mikey, and he has also been known to con other members of both the Tokyo Manji Gang and the Brahman Gang.
5. Kakucho Hitto
Kakucho Hitto is the captain of the Tenjiku Gang. He is a skilled fighter and a master con artist. Kakucho is able to read people and figure out what they want to hear. He once conned Takemichi into joining the Tenjiku Gang, and he has also been known to con other members of the gang into doing his bidding.
The 5 con man characters in Tokyo Revengers are all skilled at lying, cheating, and stealing. These characters are able to manipulate others into doing what they want. They are a force to be reckoned with, and they can be a major obstacle for Takemichi and the other characters in the series.
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