
Pokémon GO Cliff July 2023: Best Counters, Attacks, Guide, Strength & Weakness

1 years ago By AI Smith

Cliff returns to Pokémon GO in July 2023 to continue Team GO Rocket’s progress across the app’s extensive map. To release the PokéStops and save the  Shadow Pokémon, you’ll need to take on Team GO Rocket Grunts. And your fight against them on the lane and in Dark Raids will inevitably lead you up against the villainous Sierra and the cunning Arlo, all the way to the boss Giovanni.

But with a powerful team of corrupted and highly aggressive monsters, Cliff may give you trouble in his new invasion of Pokémon GO in July 2023.

How to find Cliff in Pokémon GO

If what you need is to locate Cliff from Pokémon GO in July 2023, you will first have to defeat 6 Team GO Rocket recruits in combat.

Each recruit will drop a mystery piece upon defeat, and with six of them, you can create a Rocket Radar. This device will show you Cliff’s location, and you can create two more to find  Arlo and Sierra.

After getting the radar, all that remains is to prepare your team for the fight against the leader.

Guide to beating Cliff from Pokémon GO in July 2023

The most important thing to defeat Cliff from Pokémon GO  in July 2023 will be to analyze and exploit the weaknesses of his team of dark Pokémon.

This will be easier by knowing your team beforehand. However, some of their Pokémon will be random, so you’ll need a versatile team that will serve you in any situation.

Important:  Your chances of winning will increase with powered-up versions of the mentioned Pokémon, including Megas and Shadows. You can find our guide to Mega Evolutions in Pokémon GO here. You can also check our Pokémon GO type table.

Dark Aerodactyl: Weaknesses and Counters

You will first need to defeat Cliff’s fixed monster in Pokémon GO before starting random battles. This time it is nothing less than dark Aerodactyl, against which it will be very easy to prepare.

Aerodactyl is a Rock and Flying-type, so it has multiple weaknesses such as Electric, Ice, Rock, Steel, and Water types. You can use the following Pokemon to defeat it:

Tyranitar: Anti-Aircraft and Sharp Rock

Inteleon: Water Gun and Surf

Lucario: Counterattack and Increase Punch

Kyogre: Waterfall and Hydro Pump

Kingler: Bubble and Hammer

Raikou: Thundershock and Cruel Volt

Xurkitree: Thundershock and Spark

Magnezone: Charge Beam and Electrocannon

Facing Cliff’s second option in Pokémon GO

Cliff in Pokémon GO will try to confuse you with his second Pokémon, which will be random. The July 2023 options will be Dark Slowking, Dark Gallade, and Dark Cradily.

Slowking is a Water and Psychic type, which means it will be weak against Bug, Dark, Electric, Ghost, and Grass-type attacks. Here are some suggestions:

Tyranitar: Bite and Sharp Rock

Gengar: Shadow Claw and Shadow Ball

Xurkitree: Thundershock and Spark

Zekrom: Charge Beam and Cruel Volt

Hydreigon: Bite and Fel Spin

Magnezone: Charge Beam and Electrocannon

Raikou: Thundershock and Cruel Volt

Chandelure: Misfortune and Shadow Ball

Pheromosa: Sting and Buzz

Gallade, on the other hand, is a Psychic and Flying-type, so the Flying, Fairy and Ghost-type attacks will be especially effective. Some of her counters are the following:

Moltres: Wing Attack and Air Attack

Gengar: Shadow Claw and Shadow Ball

Togekiss: Charm and Magic Shine

Giratina: Shadow Claw and Shadow Strike

Xurkitree: Thundershock and Spark

Gardevoir: Charm and Magical Shine

Dragapult: Misfortune and Shadow Ball

Zacian: Scream and Carantoña

Cradily is a Grass and Rock type, so it will be weak to Bug, Steel, Ice and Fighting-type attacks. Pokemon like the following will help you:

Metagros: Bullet Punch and Meteor Punch

Lucario: Counterattack and Increase Punch

Terrakion: Double Kick and Holy Sword

Conkeldurr: Counter-Strike and Dynamic Punch

Galar Darmanitan: Ice Fang and Avalanche

Pheromosa: Sting and True Wave

Zacian: Metal Claw and Iron Head

Also Read: What is the total number of players Pokemon Go have in 2023? Stats, Users and more

Cliff’s Third Pick: Tyranitar, Mamoswine, or Dusknoir

Cliff’s third option in Pokémon GO during July 2023 might surprise you, as it is made up of fierce Pokémon like Tyranitar, Mamoswine, or Dusknoir in their dark versions.

Tyranitar is a Rock and Dark type, making it weak to Ground, Bug, Water, Grass, Steel, Fairy, and Fighting types. From the latter, he takes 256% of the damage. Some of the best options are as follows:

Lucario: Counterattack and Aural Sphere

Terrakion: Double Kick and Holy Sword

Conkeldurr: Counter-Strike and Dynamic Punch

Pheromosa: Low Kick and Accurate Wave

Machamp: Counterattack and Dynamic Punch

Kartana: Sharp Blade and Sharp Blade

Xurkitree: Thundershock and Spark

Kartana: Sharp Blade and Sharp Blade

Mamoswine is an Ice and Ground type, so it will be weak in Fighting, Fire, Water, Steel and Grass types. You can defeat it using these Pokémon:

Reshiram: Fiery Fang and Fusion Flame

Terrakion: Double Kick and Holy Sword

Kartana: Sharp Blade and Sharp Blade

Zarude: Vine Whip and Whiplash

Tapu Bulu: Seeder and Solar Beam

Metagross: Bullet Punch and Meteor Punch

Torterra: Sharp Blade and Ferocious Plant

Hydreigon: Bite and Fel Spin

Dusknoir is a Ghost-type, weak against Dark and Ghost-types. Here are some suggestions:

Tyranitar: Bite and Sharp Rock

Gengar: Shadow Claw and Shadow Ball

Hydreigon: Bite and Fel Spin

Chandelure: Misfortune and Shadow Ball

Darkrai: Scream and Shadow Pulse

Dragapult: Misfortune and Shadow Ball

Calyrex: Confusion and Shadow Ball

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