
League Of Legends Patch 13.14 July 2023: Biggest Winners & Losers In The Game

1 years ago By AI Smith

The League of Legends community is abuzz with excitement as Patch 13.14 finally arrives, bringing a slew of changes that are set to reshape the meta. This latest update not only introduces a new game mode, the 2v2v2v2 Arena but also brings about significant adjustments to champions and items.

In this article, we will take a closer look at the biggest winners and losers in the game following LoL Patch 13.14. The changes have affected various champions, some of whom have benefitted greatly, while others have seen their win rates dip.

The Winners:


The Darkin Blade, Aatrox, has made a triumphant return to the meta. After receiving nerfs post the 2022 League of Legends World Championship, Aatrox’s win rate had fallen below 50%. However, Riot Games decided to revitalize the fighter and buffed his Q, the Darkin Blade. This change increased the AD scaling of the ability while slightly reducing its base damage. As a result, Aatrox’s damage output saw a significant increase, especially in the later stages of the game. These changes have propelled Aatrox’s win rate to nearly 55%, making him a formidable force in the top lane.


Xerath received the much-anticipated buffs in Patch 13.14, making The Ascended Mage a dominant force in the midlane. The changes to Xerath’s Passive, Mana Surge, allow it to be activated on towers, while killing an enemy unit reduces its cooldown. Moreover, his ultimate ability now has an additional shot at every level, increasing the damage potential against squishier targets. With these changes, Xerath’s win rate has soared to a staggering 55.42%, making him a powerful and impactful midlane pick.


Shyvana, a relatively less popular champion, received much-needed buffs to make her viable with AD and Attack Speed builds. The buffs to her Q now provide more bonus Physical Damage based on her AD, effectively doubling her current Attack Damage at ability level 5. Her E also received an AD ratio boost, making her heavy AD builds more potent. These adjustments have boosted Shyvana’s win rate from 49% to an impressive 54%, making her a more attractive choice in both the jungle and toplane.

The Losers:


Despite continuous efforts to bring Milio out of the meta, the champion has maintained its strength. However, Riot Games has successfully toned down Milio’s passive burn damage and reduced the bonus movement speed from his ability, Warm Hugs. These nerfs have slightly affected Milio’s win rate, which has dropped by 2%, although he remains a formidable champion in the game.


Rell, the Iron Maiden, has been a popular pick in both the jungle and support roles. Riot Games aimed to reduce her defensive qualities, nerfing her base armor and tweaking her Passive’s ability to steal armor and magic resist. While these nerfs were targeted at her support performance, Rell’s win rate has only seen a slight decrease of 0.33%, leaving her still strong with a 54.09% win rate.


Hecarim has been causing chaos in the lower ranks of play due to his powerful build using Trinity Force and Muramana. Riot Games targeted his W ability, Spirit of Dread, to decrease his tankiness and healing potential. Despite the nerfs, Hecarim’s win rate has only dropped slightly by 0.20%, indicating that further adjustments may be needed to balance the champion.

Patch 13.14 has brought significant changes to League of Legends, shaking up the meta and impacting various champions’ performances. While some champions have seen a resurgence, others have experienced a slight dip in their win rates. 

As the patch is still fresh, players can experiment with the new game mode, the 2v2v2v2 Arena, and explore the strengths and weaknesses of the revamped champions. The competitive landscape is sure to undergo further shifts as players adapt to the changes and develop new strategies to dominate the Rift.

Also Read: LoL Patch 13.15 Preview July 2023: More Soul Fighter Skins, Arena Mode Changes, Features And More

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