
DOTA 2: What Is Tidehunter? Steps & Guide With All Infos

1 years ago By AI Smith

Dota 2 introduces Tidehunter, the formidable leviathan of the sea, ready to unleash devastating powers upon his enemies. In this detailed guide, we will explore the essence of DOTA 2 Tidehunter, including his background, abilities, gameplay strategies, and essential tips for mastering this fearsome hero.

What Is Tidehunter?

Tidehunter is a melee Strength Hero with exceptional tackiness and team fight potential. As a formidable offlaner, he possesses an impressive starting HP pool of 714 and a substantial Mana pool of 291. With a decent movement speed of 300 and a Strength gain of 3.0, Tidehunter can sustain prolonged engagements while dishing out punishment to his foes.

Tidehunter’s Abilities That Make Waves: 

Tidehunter’s skill set is built for wreaking havoc in team fights and dominating the battlefield. Let’s delve into his abilities:

  • Gush: Tidehunter targets an enemy, drenching them in water, dealing damage, reducing armor, and slowing their movement speed. Upgrading with Aghanim’s Scepter turns Gush into an AoE ability, impacting multiple enemies. Gush is a powerful tool for initiation and securing kills.
  • Kraken Shell: Tidehunter’s thick shell provides him with physical damage block and purges debuffs when he crosses a certain HP threshold. This ability acts as a strong dispel, removing stuns and enhancing Tidehunter’s durability in engagements.
  • Anchor Smash: Tidehunter damages nearby enemies, reducing their attack damage. This ability is crucial for lane control, farming neutrals, and diminishing the effectiveness of enemy carries. Anchor Smash’s low cooldown and mana cost make it a reliable harassing tool.
  • Ravage (Ultimate): Tidehunter summons tentacles that stun and damage enemies in a large area. Ravage is a game-changing ultimate with significant impact in teamfights. It is important to carefully time and position yourself to maximize its potential.

How to play Tidehunter: Steps and Guide 

To become a force to be reckoned with as Tidehunter, follow these steps and guide:

  • Step 1: Set up for Success: Choose the offlane position to maximize your impact. Your high HP pool, armor, and abilities make you an excellent frontline initiator. Communicate with your team, plan your laning phase, and prepare for the battles to come.
  • Step 2: Early Game: Focus on farming and gaining experience while contesting the enemy carry’s farm. Utilize Anchor Smash to secure the last hits and deny creeps. Coordinate with your team to secure kills when you reach level 6 and unlock Ravage.
  • Step 3: Mid Game: Acquire core items such as Arcane Boots and Drum of Endurance to enhance your mobility and survivability. Blink Dagger is a crucial item to initiate team fights effectively. Utilize Ravage to turn engagements in your favor and secure objectives.
  • Step 4: Late Game Dominance: As the game progresses, aim for items like Guardian Greaves, Aghanim’s Scepter, Refresher Orb, and Aghanim’s Shard. These items amplify your team fight presence, providing immense crowd control and durability.

Essential Tips for Mastery on Tidehunter:

  • Coordinate with your team: Communicate and plan team fight engagements to maximize the impact of Ravage.
  • Utilize Kraken Shell: The strong dispel and physical damage block of Kraken Shell make it hard to disable and kill.
  • Farm and Farm Some More: Efficiently clear neutral camps with Anchor Smash and utilize your gold advantage to acquire impactful items.
  • Positioning is Key: Proper positioning is crucial when casting Ravage to catch as many enemies as possible without revealing your intentions.
  • Counter-Initiation: Use Gush to slow down and reduce the armour of enemy initiators, hindering their effectiveness.

Tidehunter, the leviathan of Dota 2, brings forth devastating team fight abilities and exceptional tackiness to the battlefield. By mastering his abilities, strategic positioning, and coordination with your team, you can dominate your foes and secure victories. Embrace the might of the sea and immerse yourself in the power of Tidehunter as you rise to dominance in the world of Dota 2.

Also Read: DOTA 2: Team India To Compete In 15th World Esports Championship| Players, Matches & More

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