5 Reasons Why Attack On Titan Change Studios
Attack on Titan, an immensely popular and influential anime series, captivates audiences with its gripping storyline, complex characters, splendid animation, and intense action sequences. Initially brought to life by WIT Studio, the anime’s shift to MAPPA after the third season raised curiosity among fans. In this article, we explore the reasons behind this studio change and its impact on the series.
1. WIT Studio’s Stellar Animation
WIT Studio’s outstanding work in animating Attack on Titan’s initial seasons garnered praise for its impressive fight choreography and fluid character movements. The studio’s fusion of 2D art with 3D CGI resulted in a visually appealing and captivating series.
2. A Turning Point in the Story
As the anime approached a crucial turning point in the narrative during season three, the producers envisioned the concluding season with grander production values. Kensuke Tateishi, the producer, revealed that the protagonist’s gaze at the ocean marked this pivotal moment, prompting them to seek a fresh perspective for the upcoming finale.
3. Pursuit of Escalation
The creators aimed to elevate the anime’s intensity and impact further. Discussions with WIT Studio revealed that continuing the series with the same studio might pose challenges. Thus, they embarked on a search for a studio that could bring a fresh perspective while upholding the series’ legacy.
4. MAPPA’s Acceptance
Amid their search for a new studio, most declined the opportunity due to the immense responsibility of succeeding WIT Studio. However, MAPPA stepped forward, expressing their willingness to take on the project. With WIT Studio’s reassurance, the production shifted to MAPPA’s capable hands.
5. Handling the Ambitious Project
As Attack on Titan emerged as one of the most significant modern anime projects, the need for a studio capable of handling such an ambitious undertaking became apparent. MAPPA’s expertise and experience made them the perfect choice to tackle the concluding season of this beloved anime.
The transition from WIT Studio to MAPPA for the final season of Attack on Titan marked a momentous decision driven by the desire to escalate production quality and amplify the anime’s impact. MAPPA’s involvement brought fresh energy and creative vision to the series, ensuring that the concluding season maintained the series’ reputation for excellence. As fans eagerly await the culmination of this extraordinary anime, the shift in studios only heightened anticipation for what promises to be a remarkable conclusion to the iconic Attack on Titan saga.
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