Horimiya Anime Series Commemorating The Completion Of The Second Season
The beloved anime series, Horimiya, has recently concluded its second season with a heartwarming episode titled “Graduation.” In this article, we’ll explore the beauty of this episode and how it encapsulates the essence of the entire series. We’ll also delve into the significance of certain recurring themes, character growth, and the emotional impact that this show has had on its viewers.
A Farewell to High School “Graduation” Episode
As Horimiya Season 2 draws to a close, we are treated to moments of laughter and nostalgia. These moments, filled with humor, resonate deeply because of the well-established relationships among the characters. In one memorable scene, Miyamura takes it upon himself to style Hori’s hair as she grapples with the idea of leaving high school behind. These instances of humor serve as windows into the characters’ personalities and how they perceive each other.
The Ongoing Conversation About Hair
Hair serves as an ongoing conversation point throughout the series. Miyamura takes pride in compliments Hori receives for her styled hair, while Hori feels envious of Miyamura’s effortlessly manageable hair. However, the most significant hair-related moment comes in the form of a post-credit scene. Hori reveals a new, shorter haircut that she’s insecure about, symbolizing the passage of time and change. She persuades Miyamura to get a drastic haircut as well, signifying their personal growth and increasing comfort with vulnerability.
Flashback: A Reminder of Loneliness
The episode takes us back to the days when the group of friends was still forming. This poignant flashback, lit with golden hues, reminds us of how lonely Miyamura once was. Hori’s initial encounters with various group members, including Toru and Remi, evoke a sense of sadness. The moment where Hori couldn’t even remember Miyamura’s name stands out. It’s a powerful reminder of what could have been and the relief of finding one’s true friends.
Tender Moments and Vows
In a touching moment of intimacy, Hori and Miyamura reflect on the coincidences that brought them together. Hori suggests destiny, but it’s clear that their connection runs deeper. As they face the uncertainty of the future post-graduation, Hori expresses her feelings to Miyamura. She promises to be there to chase away the darkness and hopes he’ll lift her up when she’s down. Their love is profound, and despite the finite nature of time, they look forward to expressing their care for each other slowly and genuinely.
Final Thoughts
A Fitting End to a Remarkable Series Horimiya: The Missing Pieces Episode 13 beautifully concludes the series with grace and introspection. Hori and Miyamura have grown from insecure teenagers into individuals who find comfort in vulnerability. The episode highlights the importance of the friends we meet during our formative years and the value they bring to our lives. It’s a fitting end to a remarkable series that has touched the hearts of viewers.
In a world filled with fast-paced anime, Horimiya stands out for its genuine portrayal of relationships and character growth. As we bid farewell to Hori and Miyamura’s high school journey, we are left with a sense of reverence for the bonds that shape us. If you haven’t watched Horimiya yet, now is the perfect time to embark on this heartwarming journey.